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Thursday, May 28, 2009
Why the kings visited Jesus were called three wise kings from THE FAR EAST?从东方远远来三位国王为什么题为智慧王?
It was because they followed the star which was recorded in chinese astrology as THE WISE-STAR hui-hsing FROM CHINA. 因为他们跟随智慧的星. 根据中国慧星纪录.
Key thought: Some Notes on the Visibility of the 5BC Chinese Star
(1)The 5 BC Chinese star is often associated with the Star of Bethlehem due to the
coincidence in dates and the time of year that it was observed.
(2)The chronicle, the “Ch'ien-han-shu” states that:
"In the second year of the period of Ch'ien-p'ing, second month, a hui-hsing
appeared in Ch'ien-niu for more than 70 days"
This record can be translated as:
“During the interval between March 10th and April 7th of 5 BC, a comet that was
visible for more than 70 days appeared close to Alpha and Beta Capricornii”
[N.B. hui-hsing慧星=wise star] [ Above Text taken from page1, page 3 and page 4 of 原文的来源 第1页,第3页和第4. Original text from:页: ]
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