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Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Three Magi and Christmas Star From China

1. Biblical Magi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Upon finding Jesus, the Magi gave him three highly symbolic gifts: gold, .... Liu Shan discovered a new star the Chinese called the "king star" - which was
Three leaders of the Chinese cite an alternate proposal for the origin of one of the Magi. They state that many Chinese Christians believe at least one of the Magi came from China. They cite anecdotal evidence about Liu Shan, the chief astrologer during the Han dynasty in China at the time that Jesus was born. Liu Shan discovered a new star theChinese called the "king star" - which was associated with the birth of a new king. The disappearance of Liu Shan from China's imperial court for two years shortly after this star was discovered, they interpret as perhaps traveling the Silk Road to Bethlehem.

2. Three Kingdoms –Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
The Three Kingdoms period (traditional Chinese: 三國; simplified Chinese: 三国; pinyin: Sānguó) is a period in the history of China, part of an era of
[ Please note:Histroy Of Three Kingdoms is better and more accurate than Romance Of Three Kingdoms in historical events. ]
3. Justice for All: Three Kings, or Three Wise Men
The Other Side of the Story: King of Kings Mohammad Reza PAHLAVI I; by Ahmad KASVRAVI .... during the Han dynasty in China at the time that Jesus was born. - 98k -

CHINA:First Jewish Settlement.
At what time, however, the first Jewish settlement in China took place it is difficult to say. In all likelihood Jewish merchants immigrated, or changed a temporary sojourn into a permanent one, at various epochs. In an "Account Written by Two Mohammedan Travelers Through India and China " in 851 (Renaudot, transl., London, 1733, p. 42), it is stated that "the Jews have been settled in that empire [China] from time immemorial." Notwithstanding this, it is as hazardous to connect the first Jewish settlement in China with the Lost Ten Tribes ("Jew. Quart. Rev." xiii. 23) as it is an unwarranted skepticism to doubt the correctness of the tradition of the Chinese Jews themselves, which traces the first immigration back to the HAN dynasty between 206 B.C. and 221 C.E. (Möllendorf, in "Monatsschrift," 1895, p. 329), and more exactly to the time of the emperor Ming-ti. This opinion is based upon the oral tradition of the Jews, reported by Father Brotier: "These Jews say that they entered China under theHAN dynasty during the reign of HAN Ming-ti [58-76 C.E.]." And further: "Several of these Jews have assured me that they arrived during the reign of Ming-ti" (Tobar, "Inscrip. Juives de Kai-Fung-Fu," p. 90). A certain Sulaiman (Jewish traveler of the ninth century) similarly claims that they entered in 65 C.E. Grätz (iv. 376) places the first immigration in the year 231 C.E., connecting it with the persecution of Jews in Persia, which caused also their first settlement in India; furthermore, the Jews of K'ai-Fung-Foo themselves claim that they received their religion from India (compare Finn, "The Orphan Colony of Jews in China," p. 40; but see passages cited below); but there is nothing to support this hypothetical date, or the statement of Glover in the "Babylonian and Oriental Record," vi. 247, 288; vii. 149, that the Jews were not in China before the fifth century. On the other hand there are many reasons for the assumption of an earlier date………
High Reputation of Chinese Jews. Referring to the immigration, this inscription says: "During the HAN dynasty this religion entered China………………….
Nov 5 2005, 04:54 PM
5. Some Notes on the Visibility of the 5BC Chinese Star
The 5 BC Chinese star is often associated with the Star of Bethlehem due to the coincidence in dates and the time of year that it was observed. As such it is interesting to examine its visibility, based on what little is known about it from the contemporary chronicles, combining them with weather data and other astronomical information.
6. China In Bible Prophecy « Revive Kashgar - Rend The Heavens And .Heaven come down Isiah 64..
[Michael remark; very good website about prophecy for china
· From then on, Qin represented the Middle Kingdom [China]. ... Jesus died for the people of China who must now come out of darkness. /2008/01/10/china-in-bible-prophecy
· relation of God to []
Back to our opening question: does the Bible, which is meant for all people of the world, have anything to say about the land of China?… JESUS clearly revealed God’s purpose for giving prophecies when He said:
“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.”(John 14: 29).
One of the most powerful, yet often neglected, Bible prophecies that might bring conviction to the Chinese, as well as the world, is the prophecy of China written by Isaiah (720 - 680 B.C.).
The Land of SinimL The ancient Dead Sea Scrolls,3 found in 1947, include the book of Isaiah, and once again confirm that today’s Bible is accurate and reliable. This verse in Isaiah is thought to refer to China:…….. =================================================
7. Do you know that the Chinese ORIGINALLY worship ONE GOD? LOOK ...
Do you know that ancient chinese use animals without defects (like Jews) for sacrificial worship unto God? Do you know the Emperor of the Han people
Do you know that the Chinese ORIGINALLY worship ONE GOD? LOOK!?
Do you know that the Chinese people use to WORSHIP ONE SUPREME GOD?DO you know that ancient chinese use to build a temple without IDOLS or statues, and sacrifice animals to Shang Di (Supreme God)?Do you know that ancient chinese use animals without defects (like Jews) for sacrificial worship unto God?Do you know the Emperor of the Han CHinese people was like a Priest, and he would make a pilgrimage to the temple to make intercession for his people to God?Buddhism, Taoism came much much later and influence the CHinese to worship idols and statues?
Excuse me, The fact that chinese worship One God is not only in wikipedia. You can be challenged to go do some research too.

simplified Chinese: 汉族 or 汉人; traditional Chinese: 漢族 or 漢人; pinyin: hànzú or hànrén) are an ethnic group indigenous to China and the largest single ethnic group in the world.Han Chinese constitute 94 percent of the population of the People's Republic of China (PRC), 98 percent of the population of the Republic of China (ROC), 75 percent of the population of Singapore, and about 19 percent of the entire global human population.And "Han" is not a dialect like "Cantonese"...Get your facts right.

Yes hassee,for example, in the chinese character of "Yi" or righteousness, there are 2 components. The first component speaks of A Lamb, and the second component speaks of ourselves. The component of Lamb is on top of the component of ourselves.So in short, to be righteous, we have to have the Lamb (of God) above us.
Michelle C,Did you know that Buddhism and Taoism are not the original religions of CHINESE people?
[NOTE:THE above mentioned text are on the forum of of question/answer in]

8. Faith in the Creator God in Ancient China? :: Provocations: A ...
Did the ancient Chinese, long before they encountered Buddhism, Christianity, or Islam, have an understanding of God in a monotheistic sense as creator and ...
chinese characters
9. Before Buddha, the Chinese people worshipped the same God described in the Bible! THE PROOF IS IN THE ANCIENT CHINESE CHARACTERS Shang Di hang Di was
[Michael remark: the above website is very very interesting to perceive the language. Remember “to click to play” and “next” button for the slide show.]

10. Pinyin news » misunderstandings of biblical proportions
“Based on the evidence, we believe the inventors of ancient Chinese characters knew the God of the Bible,” says the Web site of the World Bible School

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(due to some reason the site has changed-forget it!)( PINYIN News )
11. Ancient Chinese Language Supports Creation
Ancient Chinese writing consisted of a series of word pictures or pictographs, ... Þ Thus, the original God worshiped by the Chinese was a single heavenly
· The God of the Ancient Chinese vs. the God of the Bible
Similarity between the attributes of God expressed in the songs and the Bible also provide evidence for the concept that the god of the ancient Chinese was

12. The original ‘unknown’ god of China
Even more similar is the Early Zhou pronunciation of ShangDi which is ‘djanh-tigh’ [Zhan-dai].4 Another name for their God which the ancient Chinese used
The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters. The Lamb of God hidden in the ancient Chinese characters — Voo & Hovee

14. Ancient Chinese Language Supports Creation
Ancient Chinese writing consisted of a series of word pictures or pictographs, ... Þ Thus, the original God worshiped by the Chinese was a single heavenly

15. ChristianWeek Ancient Chinese symbols tell God's story
The Discovering God Through Chinese Characters booklet is making a big impact as it tells God's story through ancient Chinese symbols.


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Mandarin Edifying Hymns 詩歌

SongC Title: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow I don't know about tomorrow; I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from its sunshine For its skies may turn to grey. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said. And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.// Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand.// Every step is getting brighter As the golden stairs I climb; Every burden's getting lighter, Every cloud is silver-lined. There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eye; At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains touch the sky.// I don't know about tomorrow; It may bring me poverty. But the one who feeds the sparrow, Is the one who stands by me. And the path that is my portion May be through the flame or flood; But His presence goes before me// D=詩歌~我知誰掌管明天 我不知明天將如何,每一天只為主活, 我不借明天的陽光,因明天或不晴朗, 我不要為將來憂慮,因我信主的應許, 我今天要與主同行,因祂知前面路程。 每一步越走越光明,像攀登黃金階梯, 每重擔越挑越輕省,每朵雲披上銀衣, 在那裡陽光常普照,不再有流淚滿面, 在美麗彩虹的盡頭,眾山嶺與天相連。 我不知明天將如何,或遭遇貧苦饑餓, 但那位看顧麻雀者,祂必然也看顧我, 祂是我旅途的良伴,縱遭遇各樣災害, 我救主必與我同在,祂寶血把我遮蓋。 副 歌 有許多未來的事情,我現在不能識透, 但我知誰掌管明天,我也知誰牽我手 ABCD FGHIJKLOPQ "> 奉主耶穌聖名(I prefer changing奉天父聖名)


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