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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chinese,China and Mandrin -The Great Mystery. Why Israel Study Mandarin?

Chinese in God's Land?

神州华人[揭开华人文字探讨古人信仰的风俗 ]
Analysis of Some Mandarin Words Elements That God Is The Creator The Source Of Blessings.

TITLE:Chinese character .Pictographs. Genesis in the Chinese Language?
The origins of Chinese script are shrouded in mystery, and various legends exist to explain its creation. One such legend tells how Cāng Jiē 仓颉, a minister of the Emperor Huáng Dì 黄帝, observed the footprints of birds and animals. He noticed how each one was distinct and recognizable. Inspired by this, Cāng Jiē drew pictures of object ,simplifying them by reducing the number of lines. These were the first pictographs, called xiàng xíng 象形 by the Han lexicographer Xǔ Shèn 许慎(30 A.D.- 124A.D.).
Certain items could be represented very well by pictographs, for example: animals; plants; parts of the body etc. As the development of a particular character is traced, we can see that, over time, it tends to lose some of its resemblance to the original.

Laozi's Nameless and Named


Chinese Language studies in Israel

article frombaike.
编辑词条 神州
赤县•神州:赤县、神州之称,最早见于《史记•孟子荀卿列传》,其中提到战国时齐国有个叫驺衍的人说:“中国名为赤县神州。”后来人们就称中国为“赤县神州”。但更多的是分开来用,或称赤县,或称神州。 华:古同“花”,引申为美丽而有光彩。对华的解释,一种说法是古代中原地区的人们,自认为自己居住在衣冠整齐而华丽的文明地区,所以自称作华。《左传疏》:“中国……有服章之美,谓之华。”另一种说法是:“华”含有赤色之意。周朝人喜欢红颜色,把红颜色看作吉祥的象征,所以就自称作华。还有一种说法,华是由我国古称华夏省简而来。 中华:秦以前,华夏族称自己的祖国为中国,秦以后,逐渐发展成为一个多民族的国家,因而又有“中华民族”的说法。“中”即中国,“华”是华夏族的简称。唐代韩渥诗:“中华地向边城尽,外国云从岛上来”,已把“中华”和“外国”对用。 华夏:商朝时,由于实行裕民政治,政治与文化都比以前有所进步,所以居住在中原地区的华夏族和南方、北方一些少数民族,都向商称臣。华夏族是当时的主要民族,后来人们就把华夏作为中国的代称。 九州:源于大禹治水划定九州的传说。相传夏禹治水后,分中国为九州:冀、兖、青、荆、扬、梁、雍、徐、豫。《淮南子•地形》又载:中国古代设置九个州:神州、次州、戎州、冀州、台州、济州、薄州、阳州。嗣后,九州便泛指中国。以九州之意派生演化而来的还有九域、九有、九土、九区。宋代绘制《九域图》即中国地图。
comment on above youtube NAEMELESS AND NAMED, and CHINESE IN GOD’LAND. I am convinved of the facts that are stated but spiritually speaking IN TRUTH IT IS NOT SIMPLE AS IT SEEMS.Yes, God has revealed his heart intent to save/to relate with mankind, but NO MAN CAN SEE GOD(strictly speaking not even JESUS or MOSES, so not EVEN LAOZI,or any saints of Christianity). Yes,I believe God has manifested his intent in man history(as in Hebrew chapter 1:1 and book of Roman: so that there is no excuse of knowing NOT God. Nevertheless ,MAN are contaiminated/deceived like EVE by Serpent’s words, thatis what happening to ALL THE BELIEF system. IDOLATY,GREED and VANITY OF HUMAN TOUGHTS are the the basic and fundamental causes of Sweet Sugar has transform the SWEET SUBSTANCE into SOUR POISON TO STOMACH(That truth is all in 10 commandment). I am having an article/document in Cambodia Monasty Library: Reincarnation(in Buddist belief and context will end at the appearance of THE ENLIGHTENED ONE(implied JESUS), so that mankind when live according to this image/mode of living/teachings :The end of karma practice ON EARTH. Wow, this is bomb-shell. I have found one IMPORTANT DOCUMENT title:Buddha Spoke of Jesus
500 years before Jesus was born[Click in==>XXX]
in English and Cambodian Language.

This document was a museum item recorded the teaching by a high monk and kept in CAMBODIA MONK MONASTY. The article was released with permission from Phra Sriwisutthiwong who is the Deputy Abbot and Director of Wat Pho Museum, Wat Pho Temple, Thailand).Please note reincation is a mysterious term NOT THE WAY PREACHED/ TAUGHT BY ANY RELIGIONS--It is taking the form(2 as one), NOT BEING ABSOLUTELY TRANSFORMED(one form to another form)! The facts I observed : Substancially right for most of the facts, as to the OVERLAPING truth readers are not ready( NO ABILITY/PREJUDICED) to discern and RECYCLE THE GOOD AND EVIL KNOWLEDGE LIKE EVE. I am burdened with the knowledge that: SATAN IS TRYING TO UNFIYING ALL RELIGIONS THROUGH ANTI-CHRIST[New World Order] through the present establishment and institutions WHO,POPE,FINANCE INSTITUITION and etc;, and at the same time GOD THE ULTIMATE CREATOR THEGOOD FATHER IS ALSO ATTEMPING TO RESPOND TO MAN PRAYER: FOR AN ANWER IN THE CONFUSION OF ALL BELIEF SYSTEM OF RELIGIONS. What I can say with an outright heart is : Satan has penetrated ALL the religious institutions, GOD has no name, He is FATHER to all His creatures; NOW HIS ANGLES FROM HEAVEN ARE WORKING ON EARTH FOR THIS END. True, the kingdom of GOD is in the HEART NOT IN THE MIND. As we can see from the world we are in: Problems are started not by the GOOD simpleton but NICE intelligent fellows who know to manupulate(misnomer for MANAGE) things and people, so that he can claim his basis of SUPPORT ON MAJORITY. Let no human fight over any religon, I believe GOD THE FATHER, THE CREATOR, He has beening trying to help all mankind all these while, I can believe in any religon BUT NO IDOLATY(supremacy of things-NOT EVEN mammon GOD OF PROSPERITY). This is my belief and practice: My father is my father, my son is my son, my wife is my wife. THE RELATIONSHIP THAT RULES NOT THE CHANGING CIRSUMSTANCES governed by WHAT DO I GET( My face? My feeling?). Can we make god our servant, and still worship him?

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我是一位退休医疗人员,我希望與世界的人民分享我的35年醫療经验o 因此在我這些網站我介紹和供應給大家一套全备中西医療材料包括錄影o适用于大學医生和學生。目的是促進大家學習,實踐并且研究。歡迎您經常使用! 挽救生命,开发中西医療和發展优秀中医治用文化。 是我們最高尚的義務使命。書簽! 告诉您的朋友,老師,講師,科學家,父母和医生o 我設定了以下網站:給大家每日保持健康和病症參考用途。
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我是一位退休医疗人员,我希望與世界的人民分享我的35年醫療经验o 因此在我這些網站我介紹和供應給大家一套全备中西医療材料包括錄影o适用于大學医生和學生。目的是促進大家學習,實踐并且研究。歡迎您經常使用! 挽救生命,开发中西医療和發展优秀中医治用文化。 是我們最高尚的義務使命。書簽! 告诉您的朋友,老師,講師,科學家,父母和医生o 我設定了以下網站:給大家每日保持健康和病症參考用途。
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Mandarin Edifying Hymns 詩歌

SongC Title: I Know Who Holds Tomorrow I don't know about tomorrow; I just live from day to day. I don't borrow from its sunshine For its skies may turn to grey. I don't worry o'er the future, For I know what Jesus said. And today I'll walk beside Him, For He knows what is ahead.// Many things about tomorrow I don't seem to understand But I know who holds tomorrow And I know who holds my hand.// Every step is getting brighter As the golden stairs I climb; Every burden's getting lighter, Every cloud is silver-lined. There the sun is always shining, There no tear will dim the eye; At the ending of the rainbow Where the mountains touch the sky.// I don't know about tomorrow; It may bring me poverty. But the one who feeds the sparrow, Is the one who stands by me. And the path that is my portion May be through the flame or flood; But His presence goes before me// D=詩歌~我知誰掌管明天 我不知明天將如何,每一天只為主活, 我不借明天的陽光,因明天或不晴朗, 我不要為將來憂慮,因我信主的應許, 我今天要與主同行,因祂知前面路程。 每一步越走越光明,像攀登黃金階梯, 每重擔越挑越輕省,每朵雲披上銀衣, 在那裡陽光常普照,不再有流淚滿面, 在美麗彩虹的盡頭,眾山嶺與天相連。 我不知明天將如何,或遭遇貧苦饑餓, 但那位看顧麻雀者,祂必然也看顧我, 祂是我旅途的良伴,縱遭遇各樣災害, 我救主必與我同在,祂寶血把我遮蓋。 副 歌 有許多未來的事情,我現在不能識透, 但我知誰掌管明天,我也知誰牽我手 ABCD FGHIJKLOPQ "> 奉主耶穌聖名(I prefer changing奉天父聖名)


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